This article will detail how to add a Commission entry (payable or receivable) to an existing Merchant Cash Advance Deal via our MCA REST API v2.
Data Prerequisites
You must have the following information:
- Existing Deal ID
- Exact Name of the Company to receive/pay the commission for the Deal
All calls require two identifying header parameters for credentialing:
Both of these values will be generated by MCA Suite and provided to our customers. Please contact your representative to get these credentials.
The Base REST URL will be provided to the customer upon API request. The URL will be different than our version 1 API.
The API will only accept json encoded parameters.
Name: commission/add
Type: POST
Field | Field Name | Value | Notes |
Deal ID | dealId | System generated value | Must match value from MCA Suite |
Company | company | String – Max 100 | Company scheduled to receive commission.
Must match value Company Name from MCA Suite |
Commission Type | type | String | 'Payable' Or 'Receivable' values only |
Description | description | String – Max 100 | Text up to 100 characters |
Scheduled Date | scheduledDate | MM/DD/YYYY | Must be in this format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Scheduled Amount | scheduledAmount | Decimal |
Settled Date | settledDate | MM/DD/YYYY | Must be in this format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Settled Amount | settledAmount | Decimal |
Example JSON Request
"dealId": 43521,
"company": "Broker Y",
"type": "Payable"
"description": "Payoff",
"scheduledAmount": 50,
"scheduledDate": 12/31/2023,
Example JSON Response
{ success: true }
{ success: false, errors: ["type required"] }