This REST Api endpoint allows you to create an ACH Works billing schedule through the API. You will need the gateway id from MCA Suite as a required parameter. This API has the same basic inputs and validations as the front end interface. Pass in only the values you want to edit.
The API will only accept JSON in the body.
Name: achworks/editSchedule
Method Type: PUT
Name | Required | Type | Description |
id | Yes | Integer | MCA Suite Billing Schedule ID. Returned from addSchedule. |
amount | Decimal | Amount of the transaction | |
routingNumber | String - 9 Max | Bank routing number | |
accountNumber | String | Bank account number | |
numLeft | Integer | Num of payments left in the recurring schedule | |
continuous | Boolean | true or false to keep the schedule running or not | |
nextDate | Date | The next time to run the schedule. The date cannot be in the past. MM/DD/YYYY format. | |
frequency | String | Daily, Monthly or Weekly | |
transactionType | String | Debit or Credit | |
customerName | String | Name of the customer | |
originatorName | String | Name that shows up on customer's billing statement | |
dealId | Integer | MCA Suite Deal ID to apply to a different deal |
JSON Body Example:
"id": 71,