This REST Api endpoint allows you to create an ACH Works billing schedule through the API. You will need the gateway id from MCA Suite as a required parameter. This API has the same basic inputs and validations as the front end interface.
The API will only accept JSON in the body.
Name: achworks/addSchedule
Type: POST
Name | Required | Type | Description |
gatewayId | Yes | Integer | The payment gateway id in MCA Suite. Please ask for assistance. |
dealId | Integer | The MCA Suite deal iid. Either dealId or dealName are required. | |
dealName | String | The name of the deal in MCA Suite. If you using deal name, you must have unique deal names in MCA Suite. | |
customerName | Yes | String - Max 22 | The customer name passed to ACH Works. |
originatorName | String - Max 16 | Originator name passed to ACH Works. Use "DEFAULT" to use the default set in MCA Suite. | |
transactionType | Yes | String | Type of transaction. Acceptable value should be 'Debit' or 'Credit' |
opCode | Yes | String | 'Single' or 'Recurring' transactions. This should almost always be "Recurring". |
frequency | Yes | String | Frequency of the schedule. Acceptable values include 'Daily','Weekly','Monthly' |
startDate | Yes | String | Date to start the billing schedule. Format will be MM/DD/YYYY |
continuous | Yes | boolean | If you would like to schedule this indefinitely, pass in true, otherwise false. We recommend false and use numInstallments. |
numInstallments | Integer | Number of payments. Required if continuous is false. | |
routingNumber | Yes | String | Bank routing number. |
accountNumber | Yes | String | Bank account number. |
amount | Yes | Decimal | Amount of the transaction. Ex: 33.42 or 1000 |
accountType | Yes | String | Bank account type, 'Checking' or 'Savings'. |
memo | String - Max 10 | Shows up on bank statement, 10 characters max. | |
accountSet | Yes | String - Max 3 | ACH Works account set. |
The api will return a success or false in JSON. If successful, the billing schedule id will be returned. If not, an error will be returned.
Example JSON:
"gatewayId": 6,
"customerName":"John Truck Rentals",
"continuous": false,
"memo":"MCA Daily",
Example Response
"success": true,
"id": 80