This function allows you to list out ACHWorks Billing Schedules you created in the system. There is a 500 result limit.
Name: achworks/listSchedules
Type: GET
Query Parameters:
Field | Required | Description |
id | Yes | Id of ACHWorks Gateway. Please contact us for help. |
enabled | Pass true to filter out only enabled schedules | |
createStartDate | Filter out schedules created after this date. Format (MM/dd/yyyy) | |
createEndDate | Filter out schedules created before this date. Format (MM/dd/yyyy) | |
dealId | Filter out the list by the Deal ID |
Return Result Example:
"success": true,
"billingSchedules": [
"id": 55,
"dealId": 123,
"dealName": "ACHWorks Sandbox Deal Test",
"enabled": 1,
"amount": "10.25",
"schedule": "Daily",
"numLeft": 0,
"nextDate": "08/20/2021"
"id": 66,
"dealId": 1381,
"dealName": "Deal1",
"enabled": 1,
"amount": "5.23",
"schedule": "Daily",
"numLeft": 2,
"nextDate": "08/21/2021"