Yes! To add custom fields, you will need to login as an Administrator. Each MCA Suite tenant can have up to 10 custom fields or user defined fields. 

There are TWO TYPES of custom fields admins can add: text and dropdown. All custom fields are for reference only, and do not perform any calculation or contain programmed logic. 

Admins can also create a Custom Merge Code for the new field (this would be used as part of the Document Merge process), and choose whether to display the new field on the MCA Application and Deal Details pages.

1. Text Fields:

To create a customized text field, Admins will navigate to the Admin > Setup > Application Configuration page, and click on the top tab called "Merge Fields."  

On this page, you can make four customizations: 

1) Enter the name of the custom field; 

2) Create the custom merge code label for document merge purposes, if desired (this step is optional; see this article for more information on our Document Merge feature); 

3) Choose to display the new field on the MCA Application and/or Deal Details page. Choosing "None" will not add the field to any pages - suggest choosing this option if you want to uncheck any selections. Users can add a single field to BOTH the Application and Details pages.

4) Choose "Text" from the Type menu.

Once finished, click the Add button to save the custom field and associated settings.

In this case, the new text field we created is called "Deal Level" and we chose to add it to both the Deal Details and Application pages. To modify or delete the custom field, simply click on the pencil icon to the right and make your changes.

This is what the new field looks like added to the Deal Details page:

And to the MCA Application page:

2. Dropdown Menus:

Admins can also add customized dropdown menus with customized menu items/selections. These fields can also be added to either the Deal Details and/or MCA Application pages, with optional customized Document Merge codes.

From the same Admin > Setup > Application Configuration > Merge Fields page, repeat the same steps for adding text fields:

1) Enter the name of the custom field; 

2) Create the custom merge code label for document merge purposes, if desired;

3) Choose whether to display the new field on the MCA Application and/or Deal Details page;

4) However, in this case choose "Dropdown" from the Type menu. Click Add to save your changes.

Once you create the new Dropdown field, you will see a new button called "Options":

Click this button to add your customized menu items. Simply type the item names and click Add. You can reorder how these options will be displayed by dragging and dropping each field (using the three bars to the left of each):

This is what the customized Dropdown looks like (in this example, it was added to the Deal Details page only):