Assuming the three active deals are with the following :

Advance Amount


Payback Amount

Amount Repaid

Amount Outstanding

Cash Exposure




























You have given this particular merchant $30,000 in total and expected to receive $37,750. The merchant has repaid $24,000 and still scheduled to repay $13,750. Based on the amount repaid ($13,750) and what you have advanced the merchant ($30,000), your cash exposure is still $6,000.

Assuming the merchant is coming to you for another $10,000 and you have approved the advance request, there are two approaches to combining all three (3) deals and adding the new cash infusion into a third deal. However, you must close all three deals by bringing the amount outstanding to zero (marking it “paid” in the system).

Before you close all three deals and create a fourth deal, you must choose one of the following options:

  1. Roll up all current amount outstanding for all three deals ($13,750) into the new deal ($10,000 + $13,750)?  OR

  2. Only roll the cash exposure ($6,000 or $7,000 if you do not want to count the negative $1,000)

For Option 1

  1. Create a new deal (fourth deal) with the advance amount of:  $23,750 ($10,000 + $13,750) and apply a new factor.

  2. Go to Deals 1, 2, and 3 and manually add a transaction with a type of “Manual - Repayment” and an amount equal to the amount outstanding (for deal 1, it would be $1,000 and deal 2 would be $2,250). This will effectively mark each deal as 100% repaid as the amount outstanding has been added to the advance amount (principal) of the newly created deal. Refer to below for steps to perform this task.

For Option 2

  1. Create a new deal (fourth deal) with the advance amount of:  $16,000 ($10,000 + $6,000) and apply a new factor.

  2. Go to Deals 1, 2, and 3 and manually add a transaction with a type of “Discount” and an amount equal to the amount outstanding (for deal 1, it would be $1,000 and deal 2 would be $2,250). This will effectively mark each deal as 100% repaid as the amount outstanding has been added to the advance amount (principal) of the newly created deal. Refer to below for steps to perform this task.

Steps to add "Manual" transactions:

1.  Go to Deal Tracking page's Transactions section and click on "Add Transaction."

2.  Select "Manual" for option 1 and "Discount" for option 2