MCA Suite has integrated with Rapid Capital Funding (RCF) for merchant prequalification. MCA Suite will submit merchant business and owner information to RCF for prequalification via submission process. If pre-qualified, RCF will provide offer details (advance amount, factor, and payback) that will be automatically added to MCA Suite.

1. To setup the Rapid Capital Funding integration with your MCA Suite instance, you must obtain the following credentials from RCF:

  1. clientId - Unique secure number issued by RCF

  2. campaign - Unique Campaign ID issued by RCF

2. Next, once MCA Suite has enabled the Rapid Setup Link under Admin > Integration, users will need to add these credentials. Navigate to the Admin > Setup > Integrations tab and click Rapid Capital Funding link. The following information will need to be entered or selected:

  1. ClientId - will be provided by RCF

  2. Campaign - will be provided by RCF

  3. Test Mode - Test mode will still send data to RCF but mark it as “test” and will disappear in 2 days. Uncheck when ready to send real data to RCF.

  4. Funder in MCA - this is where you will identify Rapid Capital Funding as the Funder Company. If RCF is already a Funder Company in your list of contacts, you can start to type its name in the first field and then select RCF from the drop-down that appears.

OR, if RCF is not an existing contact, you can enter it in the second field to create a new Funder Company record for Rapid Capital Funding.

3. Once this set-up is complete, you will be allowed to send submissions to Rapid Capital Funding through MCA Suite. To do this, navigate to any deal submission page and add a “manual”-type submission with RCF as the funder company.


On the Submission Details page, you will see a Rapid API button in the upper right corner. Click the button to view / edit the fields that can be submitted to RCF.

4. Enter the data to be submitted to RCF. Most of the data will be autofilled from values in MCA Suite. See the last column in the table below to view where the fields will be pulled in from. All required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Field Name


Definition / Rules

Pre-populated from



Unique prospector / sales rep username, can be blank




Merchant Name

Company Name


Merchant DBA

Company DBA

Address 1

Company Street 1

Address 2

Company Street 2


Company City


2 letter abbreviation

Company State


5 digits

Company Zip

Phone Number


Must be 10 digits, no hyphens

Company’s First Phone

Gross Monthly Revenue


Average Daily Balance

Gross Monthly CC Sales

Tax ID

Company EIN

Business Credit EIN

Industry Name


Company Industry

Industry NAICS

6 digits

Industry SIC

4 digits

Business Credit SIC

Total Months in Business

Whole number

First Name


Owner first name

Last Name


Owner last name



Owner’s first email



Owner’s first phone


Date of Birth

Date format is YYYY-MM-DD

Owner Credit DOB

Address 1

Owner address street 1

Address 2

Owner address street 2


Owner address city


2 letter abbreviation

Owner address state


5 digits max

Owner address zip


5. Press Send submit this data to RCF. If there are any errors from RCF, they will be reported on screen. If the submission is successful, and RCF prequalifies any offers, they will appear in the Submission Details. You can click the pencil icon to see more details received from RCF.


6. Edit Submission Offer will show the advance amount, factor, payback received back from RCF along with RCF specific fields like applicationId, offerId and terms in months. MCA Suite does not handle estimated turn in months, please edit # of payments accordingly.