You can perform a bulk import of your deal commissions into MCA Suite instead of entering each manually. To import your commissions, you must create and format a comma separated value (csv) file with the following columns: 

AMerchant NameYExact name of the merchant company.
BDeal NameYExact deal name.
CCompany Name
Name of the broker company the commission will apply to.  Either a broker company or contact is required.
DContact First Name
If entering a broker contact person, first name of the contact the commission will apply to.
EContact Last Name
If entering a broker contact person, the last name of the contact the commission will apply to.
FType    Y'Payable' or 'Receivable'
Description of the commission, max size is 50 characters.
HScheduled DateYScheduled Date in MM/DD/YY format.
IScheduled Amount
Scheduled dollar amount.  Columns I or J and K are required.
JScheduled %
If entering % instead of dollar amount, Scheduled % for commission. Column J and K are required if using %.
K% of Advance or Payback
If entering %, use 'Advance' or 'Payback'.  The commission will take the Scheduled % from the deal 'Advance' or 'Payback' amount.
LSettled Date
Settled Date in MM/DD/YY format.
MSettled Amount
Settled dollar amount.  Columns M or N and O are required.
N    Settled %
If entering % instead of dollar amount, Settled % for commission. Column N and O are required if using %.
O% of Advance or Payback

If entering %, use 'Advance' or 'Payback'.  The commission will take the Settled % from the deal 'Advance' or 'Payback' amount.
PInvestor Name
If the deal is syndicated, name of the investor to apply commission to.  Or use 'All' to apply to all syndicators. Leave blank if applying to none.

Each line is its own commission, so you can combine multiple brokers for multiple deals on a single import. A sample template is attached at the bottom of the page.

Once you have your file ready, navigate to Admin > Import > Deal commissions page to select the file to be imported. After the file has been uploaded, click  the 'Process' button to proceed.

All correct rows in the CSV will be uploaded into the system, while any rows with errors will be skipped. A message will display confirming imported lines, or identifying the erroneous rows.  

Note: If a commission already exists for the broker company/contact entered on the spreadsheet, an additional commission will be created. Otherwise, a new broker will be added.