Notifications are messages generated by the system when certain events occur. These notifications are for Admin users to view activity and are useful for providing an overview of activity within MCA Suite. The list of available events can be found below and will continue to grow as more use cases present themselves. 


1. Deal Status Change - when the status of a deal changes from one to another. 

2. Pending Deals/Contacts - when a pending deal or contact is added to the system, either by a system user (broker, agent, etc) or via MCA Suite's REST API. 

3. Deal Repaid - when a deal is fully paid off. 

Set up

On the homepage of your MCA Suite instance, you will find a link on the left hand navigation for Notifications. Click through to manage the different types of notifications.


From here, we can add a new event, or notification type.  


In the following example, we're adding a rule that says create a notification when "Deal Status on any deal is changed to Underwriting". The deal statuses will be custom to your MCA Suite instance. 



Once saved, you'll see this rule on the list of notifications. You can edit or delete that notification type or continue to add others. 


Once a deal status is changed, a notification message will be created and you can tell because a number will show up alongside the Notifications tab. Here we see we have one new notification: 


If we click back through to the Notifications section, you'll see a message that says the Deal Status for "Sprocket Machine" has been changed from "New" to "Underwriting".


From here you can click the link to the deal to bring you to details about that deal. You'll also notice a couple of other choices if you click the "Options" button.  

Hide Notification - remove this message so it no longer shows up in the list of notifications. 

Stop Notifications - prevent notifications for this deal

The other notification events can be managed in a similar fashion. For example, if we add a notification rule to check for when a deal is completely repaid, we'll receive a notification message like the one below saying the iPhone Table deal has been repaid.


We encourage you to try these notifications for yourself. If you have any questions or would like to see other notification event types added, please let us know at